属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-加勒个油 The New Grease?
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-黑白的希望 The black white hope
属类:时事政治-经济学人双语版-英国政治 幕后智者
1 | 因此这部书里就充满了对酒食的贪馋。 | In consequence the book is infused with a kind of gluttony, for food and wine | |
2 | 因为..的结果;因为 | In consequence of; as a result of | |
3 | 因为他犯法而遭处罚。 | The punishment is in consequence of his breaking the law. | |
4 | 因为他突然生病使我无法成行。 | I cannot start in consequence of his sudden illness. | |
5 | 尤其更经常的是他服从了他们的感情,因为他们的意见和喜好是他唯一的仲裁者。 | And oftener into their feelings, in consequence of having no other arbiters to appeal to than their judgments and taste | |
6 | 由于(某事物)的缘故;因而 | In consequence (of sth)as a result(of sth) | |
7 | 由于...的结果 | as a consequence of ;as consequence of ;in consequence of | |
8 | 由于该航程中的意外事故,为了安全地完成航程必须修理时,船舶在修理港合理停留期间必须支付的港口费、 | Where the ship needs repairs for the safe completion of the voyage in consequence of damage caused by an accident during the voyage, the port charges | |
9 | 由于和田先生去世,大和公司已进行必要的改组,今请内田先生为新合伙人。特此奉告。 | In consequence of the decease of Mr. Wada, my esteemed partner, the firm of Yamoto Shokai has undergone some necessary changes, and I have the pleasure to inform you that I have entered into partnership with Mr. Uchida. | |
10 | 由于他工作表现不好,我只好把他辞退。 | In consequence of his bad work, I was forced to dismiss him. | |
11 | 由于严重的地震,商业瘫痪了。 | Commerce is paralysed in consequence of a severe earthquake. | |
12 | 在罗马,人们对阿波罗的崇拜始于公元前320年。那年,待全城瘟疫过后,人们为阿波罗建造了神庙。 | In Rome the worship of Apollo was not established till 320 B.C., a temple being raised to him in that year in consequence of a pestilence that had visited the city | |
13 | 在新加坡,违法的驾车者,如果受到旁观者的批评,通常会恼羞成怒,有时候更因此演变成涉及人命伤亡的路霸事件,暴露国人丑陋的一面。 | One of the worst character traits of Singaporeans is that a traffic violator would often react aggressively if he is told of his misdoings, and, not infrequently, injuries or deaths had resulted in consequence of road rages | |
14 | 战争夺去了几百万人的生命,可是另外还有几百万人的生命遭到了摧残,那是因为这场可怕的大战造成的恶劣社会条件削弱了体质。 | There are millions of men’s lives which have been lost as a result of the war, but there are millions more of maimed lives in the sense of undermined constitutions through atrocious social conditions in consequence of the terrors of this Great War | |
15 | 这位教师在年轻时,有一天,看见女仆的一件衣裳挂在炉遮上,便为了那件偶然的事,动了春心。 | This professor, when he was a young man, had one day seen a chambermaid’s gown catch on a fender,he had fallen in love in consequence of this accident | |
16 | 这样一来,无神论道德思想强调的重点不是来世,而是今生,不是个人主义,而是权力主义。 | In consequence , the emphasis of atheistic moral reflection has been this-worldly rather than other-worldly, individualistic rather than authoritarian | |
17 | 这样一来,无神论者对良好舆论氛围的形成作出了重要贡献,使之有利于人们对自由文明价值的追求;而且,他们在试图纠正社会不公的努力中也发挥了有效的作用。 | In consequence , atheists have made important contributions to the development of a climate of opinion favorable to pursuing the values of a liberal civilization and they have played effective roles in attempts to rectify social injustices | |
18 | 这一次因为诺拉不舒服,欧文只好带着小弗兰克去了。 | On this occasion, in consequence of Nora being unwell, Owen and Frankie went by themselves | |
19 | 这种做法,尽管很有启发作用,但后来终于停止了,就是由于我们下面即将详述的那件事。 | The practice, however edifying, has been discontinued, in consequence of the incident we are about to detail | |
20 | 政府、委员会或任何获授权人员,如因根据第24条之规定执行职务而令任何人士遭受损失者,均不必负赔偿责任。 | Neither the Government, not the Authority or any authorized officer, shall be liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person in consequence of anything done under section 24. | |
21 | 至于斯默克先生,他当然喜欢安德洛马克。也正因如此,他待潘异常亲热。 | As for Mr. Smirke, he naturally preferred andromache. And in consequence he has uncommonly kind to Pen | |
22 | 自从都宾打了胜仗以后,同学们异乎寻常地尊敬他的人格。 | In consequence of dobbin’s victory, his character rose prodigiously in the estimation of all his school fellows | |
23 | 昨天下雨了,结果比赛被取消。 | It rained yesterday and in consequence the match was canceled. | |
24 | ||1:而这只是骨架公司计划的开胃小菜。||2:该公司的工程师正在和德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院合作,将弯曲石墨烯用于所谓的“超级电池”当中。||3:骨架的创新负责人塞巴斯蒂安·波尔曼说,虽然它本质上还是一个超级电容器,以静电方式储存大部分电荷,但电解质也能提供一些化学能量储存。||4:然而,该公司对其使用的电解质和所涉及的化学成分闭口不提。||5:波尔曼博士只是说:“传统的锂离子化学无法和它相提并论。”||6:他声称,最后的成果就是,该电池可以在15秒内充满电并储存60wh/kg的能量。骨架公司计划于2023年前对该超级电池进行商业化生产。 | ||1: That, though, is just the start of Skeleton’s plan. ||2: The firm’s engineers are now working with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in Germany, to use curved graphene in what it calls its "SuperBattery". ||3: Though this remains basically a supercapacitor, storing most of its charge electrostatically, the electrolyte will, says Sebastian Pohlmann, Skeleton’s head of innovation, also provide some chemical energy storage. ||4: The company is keeping mum about the electrolyte it uses and the chemistry involved. ||5: "It is not comparable to the classic lithium-ion chemistry," is all that Dr Pohlmann will say. ||6: But the overall consequence, he claims, will be something that is rechargeable within 15 seconds and has the ability to store 60wh/kg. Skeleton aims to start producing this commercially by 2023. | |
25 | ||1:高油价的源头至关重要。||2:比如,像供应异动对全球经济造成的危害就比需求走强型油价攀升大。||3:对于目前的上涨,一个常被用到的解释就是央行的慷慨救助推升了油价。||4:在近几个月里,全球各大央行不是在注入流动性,增加量化宽松(印钱买国债),就是在保证延长保持低利率的期限。||5:就像争论的那样,廉价资金(不只是低息贷款,还有货币的贬值等)的涌入早把投资者推到了硬资产那边,特别是石油那里。||6:不过因为市场是有预测性的,所以是量化宽松的宣布提升了油价,而不是实施。确实,上个月美联储主席本伯南克宣布没有下一轮量化宽松,是让市场很失望的。||7:另外,如果价格上涨是由投机者造成的,你将会看到原油库存的增加——这完全与事实背道而驰。 | ||1: The origins of higher prices matter. ||2: Supply shocks, for instance, do more damage to global growth than higher prices that are the consequence of stronger demand. ||3: One frequent explanation of the current rise is that central-bank largesse has sent oil prices higher. ||4: In recent months the world’s big central banks have all either injected liquidity, expanded quantitative easing (printing money to buy bonds) or promised to keep rates low for longer. ||5: This flood of cheap money, so the argument goes, has sent investors into hard assets, especially oil. ||6: But since markets are forward-looking, the announcement rather than the enactment of QE should move oil prices; indeed, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Ben Bernanke, disappointed markets last month by not signalling another round of QE (see Buttonwood). ||7: Moreover, if rising prices are being driven by speculators you should see a rise in oil inventories—exactly the opposite of what has happened. | |
26 | ||1:乔甘斯天性谦和开朗,世界冠军鲍勃费茨西蒙斯教会了他忍耐,因为鲍勃主张“己所不欲,勿施于人”。||2:后来,甘斯学会了对于种种恶意挑衅漠然视之,就算有对手戏谑他是“133磅的黑肥肉”,就算在拳击场角斗时对手向他脸上啐唾沫,他也绝不动怒。 | ||1:Gans, a naturally polite and cheerful man, was tutored always to show restraint by Bob Fitzsimmons, a world champion at three weights, who argued that you should do as you would be done by.||2:In consequence , Gans learnt to remain impassive in the face of the most egregious provocations: even, for instance, when one opponent called him “133 pounds of black meat” and when another spat in his face as they squared up in the centre of the ring. | |
27 | ||1:有关二战的统计数据几乎让人麻木。||2:各方估计的死亡人数有出入,但在1939-1945年的这场战争中,直接死亡人数高达七千万,其中三分之二是非战斗死亡,这使二战成为人类历史上绝对死亡人数最多的战争。||3:二战时期,每十个德国人中就有一个死亡,德军死亡率达30%;约有一千五百万中国人和两千七百万俄国人丧命。||4:夹在两个极权主义国家之间的波兰人口减少了16%,其中约一半是犹太人,那是希特勒的“最终方案”要解决的部分目标。||5:当时,每天平均有将近三万人死于非命。 | ||1:The statistics of the war are almost mind-numbing.||2:Estimates differ, but up to 70m people died as a direct consequence of the fighting between 1939 and 1945, about two-thirds of them non-combatants, making it in absolute terms the deadliest conflict ever.||3:Nearly one in ten Germans died and 30% of their army.||4:About 15m Chinese perished and 27m Soviets.Squeezed between two totalitarian neighbours, Poland lost 16% of its population, about half of them Jews who were part of Hitler’s final solution.||5:On average, nearly 30,000 people were being killed every day. | |
28 | ||1:这些年,Lipsey勋爵表示,纵然政治版图已戏剧化的改变,他的观点大致还是不变。||2:“我,因我右翼的言论,一度被认为是工党圈里的早期法西斯人士。我现在是一名危险的左翼分子,我的观点还是没有改得太多。”||3:英国政局的重要分化使得社会等级变得越来越不重要。||4:所以不完全地说,政党的意识形态越来越薄弱了。||5:这段时间的政治就是政治所要做的工作。而且一个新的专业的政治阶层也从一些人中分离出去了——这些人是向议会输送成员的人。||6: 比这个前兆更好的一点是:前幕后指挥Lipsey上升到了一个令人难以理解的高度——管理英国赛狗委员会——然而比他年轻二十岁的前特别顾问David Cameron,正在管理这个国家。 | ||1: Through the years, Lord Lipsey says his ideas have remained broadly constant, while the political landscape has changed dramatically. ||2: “I, once regarded as a proto-fascist in Labour circles for my right-wing views, am now a dangerous leftie, without having changed my mind much on much.” ||3: Class has declined as the central divide in British politics. ||4: Partly in consequence , parties have become far less ideological. ||5: Politics these days is about what works. And a new professional political class is ever more cut off from the people who send its members to Westminster. ||6: What better sign of the times than this: former backroom-boy Lipsey rose to the dizzying heights of running the British Greyhound Racing Board, whereas another former special adviser, David Cameron, younger by almost 20 years, is running the country. | |
29 | 并行出现、但未必有因果关系的一个趋势是,俄罗斯政治变得日益肮脏。 | In parallel, though not necessarily in consequence , Russia’s politics became increasingly grubby. | |
30 | 导致的结果是,所有的兵役都处于资金不足的状态。 | In consequence , all the military services are underfunded. |